Success story

Maximizing output with the management solutions of the OMS Group

NIC Services and Support GmbH, Formware GmBH, Rasterpunkt GmbH
Output management
Eislingen, Nußdorf am Inn
Invested in
Key successes
The OMS Group is the leading software platform for output management in the DACH region

EBITDA growth over the past three years has increased by 72%

Successful shaping of the OMS Group through close collaboration of the two companies NIC and Formware, as well as the integration of the add-on Rasterpunkt

Steffen Böhringer, Geschäftsführer of NIC
“In 2020, we asked ourselves how we could further accelerate our rapid growth and decided to bring in an external partner. With FLEX, we felt that there were people like us: entrepreneurs who had built something from the ground up and gone through all the stages of company growth themselves. They also had a very plausible plan for how we could improve our product and make it available to even more people.”

About the OMS Group

The OMS Group consists of two software pioneers in Output Management, Formware and NIC, as well as the specialist in software, managed services, and consulting, Rasterpunkt. This makes the company a market leader in the Output Management Software market, successfully combining a strong software solution with deep expertise in consulting and implementation.  

The two German mid-sized software pioneers, NIC and Formware, offer their customers a seamless and uncomplicated product for the automated creation and digital or postal delivery of documents. This enables companies with high document output to consolidate the data of extensive recurring communication processes across different communication channels, automating the generation, sending, and secure archiving of invoices, contracts, orders, customer letters, and more.  

Rasterpunkt enhances the offered value proposition with comprehensive expertise in Output Management consulting and consulting services, as well as extensive industry knowledge. Software customers of the OMS Group benefit from the merger through end-to-end support and individually tailored implementation of the leading software solution. The OMS Group’s customers include leading corporations and mid-sized companies in the DACH region.

Interview with Peter Schindecker

100% Support

FLEX provided advisory support in the following measures:

Successful integration of the management teams and appointment of a Group CEO and CFO

Successful collaboration and integration of various teams from NIC and Formware in the areas of product, marketing, sales, and support, aiming to develop and market a joint product while leveraging synergies

Full integration of the Rasterpunkt add-on with Formware and NIC

Development of comprehensive systems and control mechanisms to strengthen corporate leadership and reporting

Analysis of sales processes and customers with the aim of unlocking cross-selling and up-selling potentials within the corporate group

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*FLEX Capital ist ein Private-Equity-Buyout-Investor mit Spezialisierung auf den Softwaresektor. Wir verfügen über maßgebliche Expertise bei der Unternehmensbewertung in diesem Segment.

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*FLEX Capital is a private equity buyout investor specializing in the software sector. We have significant expertise in company valuation in this segment..