Strategic HR work: Maturity assessment and targeted organizational development


Central successes

  • Model for evaluating the maturity level of the portfolio company in terms of HR and leadership
  • Diagnosis and classification of the maturity level in due diligence
  • Development of a 100-day plan and suitable HR products and strategies; further deepening with the new management of lawpilots
  • Rollout of quick wins and development along the roadmap


We repeatedly see similar patterns in software sub-topics with regard to the maturity level of the organization and HR department. We have therefore codified these into an easy-to-use model that we use in due diligence to determine the maturity level. Later, the results are used to develop HR products according to the maturity level and needs of the portfolio company and its employees and to add value.

HR impact and maturity model

Level 0

  • Lack of structures, strategy, systems, governance and dedicated team in HR (0-1 FTE) most basic HR products via service providers (payroll/contracts/recruiting) or managers.

Level 1

  • Administrative and basic process-oriented HR, little structure, without strategic ambition and specialized team (0.5-2 FTE); unclear demarcation between HR and managers, simply defined HR products available (payroll accounting, contract management, recruiting).

Level 2

  • Basic HR functioning as a silo with incipient specialization (1-3 FTE); conscious handling of (labor) legal risks; incipient automation and use of HR systems; expanded HR product range; still significant dependence on external service providers.

Level 3

  • HR as a functional but non-strategic unit with a focus on efficient but reactive implementation of HR processes; team specializations (3-7 FTE); advanced integration of software as well as well-established governance structures and HR products; continued use of external service providers for specialized tasks.

Level 4

  • HR as a strategic partner; close link between HR and corporate strategy;
    Highly specialized team (4-15 FTE); automated HR system landscape; governance structure that positively influences the culture and expanded range of HR products; only limited use of service providers for highly specialized tasks.

Level 5

  • Full integration of HR into business model and operations; HR strategies & budget as an integral part of business strategy; highly specialized team (over 8 FTE); strong executive presence; innovative and leading HR technology; governance as codification of lived practice; leading portfolio of HR products; almost complete independence from external service providers, focus on internal innovation and pioneering work in HR.

lawpilots had a rating of “2” (scale: 0-5) prior to FLEX’s entry and is moving towards “3.5” within 1.5 years through various initiatives (shown below).

Support from FLEX Capital

As an HR team, we provide operational and strategic support in different ways. Jan Holste is available to the management and managing directors with sparring, HR strategy, change and communication as well as labor law knowledge. Our Head of Talent Acquisition Christoph Osterheld can quickly fill emerging personnel requirements and with Lars Meyer we have a Senior People Project Manager who implements the HR products accordingly with the organization.  

  • (Re)staffing of the Lawpilots management team with Steffen and Mark
  • Top grading of managers and personnel planning
  • Realignment of the HR department
  • Labor law sparring and support for the reorganization of sales intensification
  • Change and communication when Flex joined and
  • reorganization of the management team
  • Professionalization of employment law and organizational principles and processes
  • Support with the comprehensive, more efficient use of the HR information system and a feedback and engagement system
  • Development of job families, skills and competencies
  • Implementation of management training
  • Filling of 7 positions 
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