Joint migration of servers to a climate-neutral and ISO-certified data center


Key successes

  • Relocation of the entire NIC server infrastructure to a Noris data center
  • Upgrade of firewall and configuration files to formal system standards (ISO 27001:2013)
  • Cost reduction for server operation and maintenance
  • Centralization of application, security, and server logging as well as monitoring data


Before the acquisition of Formware, NIC-Service und Support GmbH operated its own servers at its location in Eislingen. With the expertise of Formware, a joint effort was made in 2022 to migrate the existing infrastructure to a professionally managed data center over a single weekend. Currently, individual systems and components are being modernized, and the implementation of existing AI-based protection mechanisms, already in use at formware, is being prepared to enhance the system landscape’s cybersecurity defense against cyberattacks.

Support from FLEX Capital

In advisory collaboration with FLEX, the OMS Group has implemented the following measures:

  • Project planning and initiation
  • Provision of experts from the network
  • Cost and savings modeling
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